In educating the world cultural and natural heritage is not only to help young people to appreciate the remarkable achievement of the past but to teach them how to participate actively in safeguarding them so that they could contribute to the forging of a better common future. The learning process for all elements of society can be done with various aspects, namely: learn to know, learn to do, learn to be, and learn live to together. This is a source of value that can be used as inspiration for future generations to always think critically analytical. Besides, as a vehicle for the growth of a sense of pride , character building which are expected to bring sense of belonging and sense of obligation.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Ratu Boko Palace located on the hilltop with a height of about 196 meters or more precisely 195,97 meters above sea level, occupies an area of ​​250,000 m2. Ratu Boko Palace is located on the Boko plateu, about 19 kilometers east of Yogyakarta city (toward Wonosari), and 2 km south of the Prambanan Temple.

From its location, Ratu Boko complex has a unique and special attraction, because of the complex which are located on hills can enjoy beautiful natural scenery and charming. On a hillside plateau, overlooking Prambanan temple complex and with a view to Mount Merapi behind Prambanan Temple complex. with a village atmosphere with green rice fields around it. In addition, the south, when the weather is sunny, in the distance, faintly visible to the South Coast.

Site Ratu Boko is the single largest classical period settlement site found in Java, especially Java middle section. This feature makes Ratu Boko as a specific site, a lot of mystery as well as a variety of interesting phenomena to be traced and revealed.


Historical background Keraton Ratu Boko can not be known for certain, but to be able to reveal not only used non-textual data (buildings, statues, ceramics, artifacts, etc.) are also used textual data due to findings of the inscriptions.

From inscriptions that can be concluded that the region is a region Ratu Boko heritage character of Hinduism and Buddhism, which was built around VIII - IX sentury. Ratu Boko complex was originally a monastery complex, which is a dormitory for the residence of the monks in the Buddhist religion.

In the year 856 AD, Ratu Boko complex functions turn into the residence of a ruler called the Rakai Wilang Pu Khumbayoni the adoption of Hinduism. It is therefore not surprising that elements of Hinduism and Buddhism looks at this building complex.

Elements of Hinduism can be shown through the yoni, three miniature temples, statues of Ganesh and Durga as well as gold and silver plate that read Hindu religious incantation, while the Buddhist elements visible from the discovery of Buddha statues, ruins of stupas and stupika.

The folklore of Loro Djonggrang

This story connects the Ratu Boko Palace with the Prambanan and Sewu temple complex. The name of King Boko comes from Javanese Folklore, in which King Boko was the father of Loro Djonggrang.
A prince named Bandung desperately wanted Loro Djonggang to marry him and she refused, as she he had killed her father. He insisted, and she finally agreed on one condition. He must build 1000 temples in one night. Prince Bandung summoned up spirits to help him, and close to dawn, much to the dismay of Loro Djonggrang they had completed the 999th temple. Loro Djonggrang ordered all of the servants to light a large fire, and begin pounding rice. The roosters were fooled into thinking it was dawn and began to crow, the spirits fled, and the final temple was left unbuilt. Prince Bandung was furious and turned Loro Djonggrang into stone, representing the final temple.

According to the traditions, she is the image of Durga in the north cell of the Shiva temple at prambanan, which is also known as Loro Jonggrang or the Slender Virgin.


Menurut lokasinya, bangunan-bangunan di situs Ratu Boko dibagi menjadi 5 bagian, yaitu :
1.       Kelompok Gapura Utama
Gapura Utama terletak di sebelah barat yang terdiri dari gugusan Gapura Utama I dan II, talud, pagar, candi pembakaran, dan sisa-sisa reruntuhan.
2.      Kelompok Paseban
Terdiri dari dua buah batur paseban, talud dan pagar paseban, termasuk gapura dan beberapa umpak batu.
3.      Kelompok Keputren
Berada di halaman yang lebih rendah, terdiri dari dua buah batur, kolam segi empat, pagar dan gapura.
4.      Kelompok Pendapa
Terdiri dari batur pendapa dan pringgitan yang dikelilingi pagar batu dengan tiga gapura sebagai pintu masuk, candi miniature yang dikelilingi teras-teras segi empat, beberapa kolam penampung air yang dikelilingi pagar lengkap dengan gapura dan struktur talud yang diberi pagar dibagian atasnya.
5.      Kelompok gua
Terdiri dari Gua Lanang, Gua Wadon, bak tendon air, dan tangga batu cadas alam.


According to its location, the buildings on the site Ratu Boko is divided into 5 parts, namely:

1. Main Gate group.
Main Gate is locatedto the west of of Main Gate cluster I and II ,talud ,fences ,burn the temple ,and remains of rubble .

2. Paseban group
Consisting of two shelf paseban, talud and fence paseban, including gates and some stone base.

3. Keputren group.
Being in a lower page, consists of two shelf, rectangular pool, fence and gate.

4. Pendapa group.
Consisting of shelf pendapa and pringgitan stone surrounded by a fence with three gates as the entrance, the temple is surrounded by miniature rectangular terraces, some pond water reservoir surrounded by a fence complete with gate and fences fed talud structure on top of it.

5. Cave group
Consisting of Lana Cave, Cave Wadon, tendons water bath, and natural rock staircase.


Ratu Boko is located 3km south of the Prambanan complex and east of Yogyakarta, off the road to Solo.
This way you can also have transport ready to take you back when you are ready to head back.  The other alternatives are a tour group mini-bus, or even a taxi. 

Tickets are available at the official ticket booth at the entrance
The fees are as follows:
Indonesian local or KITAS card holder, weekday
10 000 Rupiah
Indonesian local or KITAS card holder, weekend
12 500 Rupiah
$10 US
Foreigner - registered student
$6 US

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


At first The Castle is a beautiful and charming water garden that  usually called as Segaran (in Javanese language means artificial sea). Tamansari means beautiful garden. Its located on Jl. Ngasem Yogyakarta, Indonesia, less than 1 Km west of Kraton. Tamansari is a popular tourist destination in Yogyakarta, because of its convenient location to the city center. The only way to get around Tamansari is by walking, which makes the place more enjoyable and gives more opportunities to enjoy the various tropical vegetations, local community houses, and batik galleries.

It is said that the park was built by Sultan Hamengkubuwono I in 1757 was the result of work of the new architectural style which is a mixture of Javanese and Portuguese style. 
Taman Sari Development began in the reign of Sultan Hamengkubuwono I (1755-1792), the first sultan of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta, and completed at the time of Sultan Hamengkubuwono II. Construction site originally known as the bathing place called Pacethokan, since the reign of Sunan Amangkurat IV (1719-1726). [According to the Book Mamana the sultan's palace, the project leader for the development of Taman Sari is Tumenggung Mangundipura. He had to travel two times to Batavia to learn about European architecture, which is the reason why the architecture of European-style castle.
Regent Madison, Raden Rangga Prawirasentika, participate in financing the construction of Taman Sari. Sultan Prawirasentika also begged to be freed from tax liability Madison. He offers alternative ways of payment. The Sultan accepted his proposal. In 1758, the Sultan ordered the Regents to oversee the manufacture of bricks and a variety of equipment, which will be used to build a park.


Sultan wanted a place where he could spend time to relax after years of war he had just experienced. Raden Tumenggung Mangundipura, under the supervision of Raden Arya Natakusuma (which later became Sri Pakualam II), responsible for development. Construction was started in Java, 1684 (1758 AD). After finding out how big the complex was, Raden Rangga Prawirasentika realize that the cost will be greater than the tax. She resigned from the project and was replaced by Prince Natakusuma which continue until the project is completed.

The palace complex fell out of use following an earthquake in 1867, which destroyed several buildings and drained the famous water features. Over time, squatters began to inhabit the site, living among the deserted pavilions and building homes in the former lakebeds.

The buildings in the Taman Sari complex include the Castle Gate Kenari, Gedong Temanten and Gedong Pangunjukan, Stage Gate, Gedong Gang, Swimming Winangun Bannerman, the Great Gate, Gate clerk, Gedong Garjitowati, Umbulsari Gate Park, Pasarean Ledoksari, Pogangan Peksi Give, Gate Gumuling Well, Well Gumuling, Pulo Kenanga, Urung-urung, Pulo Panembung, Pogangan.

Open every day from 09:00 to 15:30 pm

Domestic: USD $ 2500.00
Worldwide: USD $ 5000.00


After completely refurbished, Taman Sari will be provided to the public who wish to perform particular activities related to culture, although not reject the possibility to be used as a place for other events such as a party.

- Place parker
- Licensed tour guides

When you are in the Castle, the bicycle is the most appropriate means of transportation for those who want berkekeliling area around Taman Sari. Hara sekitarRp rent 5000.00 per hour to rent a bike, but bikes are not quite good condition and is obligated to replace if any damage or loss during the lease.

Monday, April 18, 2011


The north town square or in the Java language is called Alun-alun Lor is one of the Yogyakarta city land mark in the form of a terrain located in front of the Sultan Palace. Called Northern Square because in the city of Yogyakarta there are two square that is located in the south and north of Yogyakarta Palace. The northern square-shaped square with an area of ​​150 x 150 meters with two large banyan trees fenced in the middle of the square. Two Big Banyan Trees were each given a name and Kyai Kyai Dewandaru Wijayandaru. In the past around the North town square planted 63 of banyan tree that symbolizes life of Prophet Muhammad.

The Northern Square in the Past

Some sources say that the first surface of the square is a fine sand suitable for the training of the soldiers also to show prowess in front of the Sultan. Sultan and the royal princes in the Siti Hinggil sit, that is the face of the palace that has a higher surface to see the attraction of its soldiers. Alun-alun Lor is also used for "Tapas Pepe ', a form of performance out of people's voices to be heard and the attention of the sultan. Tapas Pepe done in the afternoon heat between two banyan tree by a man who was pleading for justice directly to the Sultan.
Northern Square in 1888
In the past on the east side of the square there is a small pavilion marquee-called shipping. Shipping is used by the regents to stay and relax while overlooking the Sultans.
In ancient times, Alun-alun Lor is a sacred territory in which not just anyone is allowed to enter it. There are rules that must be obeyed if you want to enter, for example, may not use vehicles, shoes, slippers, cane, and develop an umbrella. This is done as a form of homage to the King Palace Ngayogyakarta. 

Northern Square as Public Space

Unlike today, Northern Square (Alun-alun Lor) became a public space that can be used by everyone. Here you can find a variety of vendors around the square from morning until night. At certain times, such as the Fair Sekaten, Grebeg Maulud Celebration of the Prophet, and the other palace ceremonies, Alun-alun Lor to manifest as a place that is bustling and crowded with many people because these events are always held in this square. Another regular event held here this is a cultural art performances, music concerts, fairs, bicycle relaxed, and other activities.

Grebeg ceremonial
Sekaten celebration

In Yogyakarta there is a culture that until now still continue to be preserved is Sekaten. Organized to commemorate the birth of Prophet Muhammad who was born on 12 Maulud or Mulud in the third month in Java. Held on the date of 6 to 12 in the same month. Celebrations sekaten include "Sekaten Sepisan" and closed with "Grebeg" on page Great Mosque of Yogyakarta or often referred to as Mosque Gedhe Kauman. Sekaten is a symbol of togetherness that is identified with the palace and its people.

Sekaten taken from the spoken word sentence "Creed". Terms Creed, which is pronounced as Syahadatain is then gradually changed in pronunciation, making it Syakatain and eventually became the term "Sekaten" until now. But in their origins than syahadatain, said sekaten also taken from some other word.


The Sekaten's Night Market 
Starting from the time of the Kingdom of Demak, the first Islamic kingdom in Java that stood after the collapse of the Majapahit Kingdom in 1400 Saka or 1478 AD. The end of the Majapahit Empire also ended the Hindu kingdom in Java under the rule of King Brawijaya V. Demak, the first king was Raden Patah who bear the title of Sultan Officer. As the King of Islam, Raden Patah was always trying to broadcast the Islamic religion throughout the country. But most people already attached to the teachings of Hinduism so Raden Patah trying to urge people to convert to Islam and believe in the truth of Islam. Then Raden Patah also held a meeting with the Wali Songo, such as Sunan Ampel, Sunan Gresik, Sunan Giri, Sunan Bonang, Sunan Kudus, Sunan Muria, Sunan Kalijaga, Sunan Drajat and Sunan Gunung Jati. Meeting anatar Raden Patah and Wali Songo discussed about how to spread the teachings of Islam began from the land of Java. From that meeting Sunan Kalijaga have suggested about how the spread of Islam to be accepted by a society that long ago had embraced Hinduism.

Travel to the Northern Town Square is very easy because it is situated in the center of Yogyakarta city with easy access to get there. If you're from the st. Malioboro, then go straight to the south past the intersection zero kilo meters. The distance from the intersection of zero kilo meters to the Northern Town Square is about 100 meters. Visiting the Northern Square , a time also to visit the sights around him: Sultan Palace, Mosque Gedhe, Wijilan Gudeg centers, tourist centers Malioboro, as well as Fort Vredeburg.

Sultan Palace
Mosque Gedhe
Traditional food called Gudeg

Wijilan gudeg centers

Malioboro tourist centers
Fort Vredeburg