A. General Description
Tulang Bawang Regency which called “SAI BUMI NENGAH NYAPPUR” formed pursuant to based on act number 2 year with 1997 capital of Menggala less than 120 km from capital.
Geographically Tulang Bawang of Lampung Province Regency which located form 3°.45' 4°.40' South Latitude from 104°.55'-105°.55' East longitude which bordered by :
The South of Sumatera Province to the north
The Central and North Lampung regency to the south
The Java Sea to the east
The North of Lampung Regency to the west of region ± 7.777,84 km
Based on administration views, Tulang Bawang regency divided into 28 district of definitive and 239 kampong (sub-district) with amount of its resident 839.889 in person with have earn to agricultural sector and fishery sector, plantation commodity which is dominated palm with rubber, sugar cane and cassava.
Condition about the nature in Tulang Bawang Regency grouped into 2 regional, which are :
Beach/coastal land along the east with 0-1 metre high from sea level
Highland/hilly land especially aimed to develop agricultural sector with 2 DAS , namely ; Way Mesuji and Way Tulang Bawang.
B. Potency and Opportunity of Investment
Plantation sector and Forestry
Potency of plantation development sector and forestry according to farm have wide of areal 140.218,75 ha from totalizing of development area which spread over in 24 district.
Pre-eminent commodity of Plantation farm and forestry have three type which are ; rubber, coconut of sawit (palm coconut) and sugar cane.
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Palm coconut |
- Rubber commodity
Wide of areal plantation of rubber in this time have reached 41.665,92 Ha. Which have yielded 20.009,50 Ha and which not yet yielded 21.652,42 Ha and is total of growth of rubber which have productive yield rubber counted 17.689,28 ton.
- Palm coconut
Wide of area plantation of palm coconut which is in management by plantation which have productive 37.319 ha, and which not yet productive 3.304 ha. So that totalize areal plantation of coconut of sawit 40.623 ha which spread over (in) 18 district. Widest district have coconut garden of sawit is district of Way Serdang for the width of 4.063 ha (10%) from totalizing the overall of plantation areal.
- Sugar cane
Plantation of sugar cane is in general labored by big privat enterprise consisting of 2 company that is PT. Sweet Indo Lampung (SIL) and PT. Indo Lampung Perkasa (ILP) having wide of areal 35.561 ha totally produced 293.959 ton. Opportunity of investment in sector plantation of sugar cane leave open, considering still is available of farm which enough.
Crop Food Sub Sector
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rice field |
Wide of areal which have been opened for the subsector of food crop covered :
- Farm rice field : 123.719 ha
- Dry farming : 326.700,95 ha
- Amount : 450.419,95 ton
Widest farm in Tulang Bawang located in district (Gedung Meneng broadly) areal 68.313 ha which consist of ; rice field : 29.340 ha. And dry farming 38.973 ha (± 6,5 %) from its totally farm areal as a whole.
Totalize rice/paddy production :
Paddy/rice field : 321.156 ton
Paddy farm : 17.751 ton
Amount : 338.907 ton
Beside cultivate paddy as food commodity also maize, parsnip and cassava. Wide of farm to be cultivated maize is 12.944 ha which totally production 56.163 ton, for the cultivated commodity of cassava wide areal is 86.307 ha. Which totally production 1.768.658 ton. While for the commodity of parsnip of jalar wide of areal 305 ha. Totalize tired producton 3.658 ton.
Food commodity which is also laboured by farmer is bean of soy; green peanut and soil peanut which areal 1.805 ha. Totally production 1.887 ton. Holtikultura commodity which is dominant enough is orange broadly farm 6.134 ha. Totally tired production is 137.663 ton.
Fishery and Oceanic Sector
Two areal along side the east coast achieve ± 80.000 ha, wide of unfolding river 3.000 ha, and fishpond 8.451 ha. Exploiting of brachish water energy kindness potency executed by big company that is PT. Dipasena Citra Darmaja (16.250 ha) and PT. Central Pertiwi Bahari (23.900 ha), totalize bream production 34.938,60 ton.
Utilization of sea fish potency till now can be reach 50% and so do the utilization of brackish water not yet is optimal.
Husbandry Sector
Big population livestock consist of :
Ox ; 63.950, buffalo : 6.841, pig 9.970, sheep ; 2.756, goat 171.637, poultry 1.259.950.
Livestock’s food is good enough which come from paddy crop waste, maize, cassava, coconut of sawit and sugar cane. Land for livestock development is enough available and can be obtained with system joint “tumpang sari”.
Energy Sector and Mineral Resources
Resources of fuel that derived from mineral mining materials, there are clay with reserve estimated more than 10 million m³, quartz-sand 237 million m³, construction sand 148 million m³. deposit of coal also available in area of Mesuji and the condition still low energy.
Industrial Sector
Source of raw material for industrial sector very abundance, especially coming from agriculture product, plantation, ranch, mining, and fishery. Industrial which have expanded till now oriented to process raw material from plantation, ranch, fishery and mining, industrial investment of processing of agriculture product.
Tourism Sector
Area of Bujung Tenuk in Menggala have a glamour of tourism that can be developed into water tourism object. In area of Rawa Pacing represent wet farm that become the Australian migration bird habitat.
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